Interactive video advertising and activating campaign pages

We have implemented interactive video implementations tailored to the various needs of several Sanoma video advertisers. Through interactive video advertising, viewers have been provided with e.g. competition implementations, tests, and other interactions between the advertiser and the viewer. Inuits has been responsible for both graphic design and production and technical implementation. For technical implementations, we use the Brainient ( production tool for interactive video advertising.

Inuits has also produced a number of campaign page implementations designed for Nelonen Media's customer promotions. The implementations are often multi-channel (radio, TV, and network), where the role of the campaign page is to activate and engage consumers online. For example, multi-choice, tests, or gambling have been used as a means of activation, so that public engagements are successful.  


Case Vitanallet

The solution to the Sana-sol Vitanallet campaign was approached through an engaging realization of the target group of the active age, which was intended to raise the interest of the target group in a positive way. The campaign was accompanied by a playful interactive spot in which the viewer could participate in the Vitanallet product lottery via a fun game. Inuits was responsible for the design and technical implementation of the gaming mechanism and visual appearance. The gaming mechanism hooked the viewers in an unprecedented way and the campaign was really successful!


 sanoma paabanneri


Inuits implemented the Jordan children's Step by Step toothbrush series campaign page to activate families with children. A simple but creative implementation made both children and adults  play a toothpick game on the campaign page. Inuits was responsible for the visual design, game animation and technical implementation. The implementation of the terminal-independent game was more likely to make children's toothbrushing more fun and, based on the number of visitors to the site and the number of games played, the campaign was successful.

Ruutu + ohjelmatarjontaa esittelevä tv-mainos. Animoitu, selkeä ja palvelusisältöä esittelevä tv-spotti Neloselle.

Lasten Oma Kirjakerho -animaatio. Inuits tuotti netti- ja TV-spotin uudelle Satukirjasto-sovellukselle. Mainosta esitettiin Ruutu netti-TV:ssä ja Nelosen kanavalla. Inuitsin jäsenet muistelevat kaiholla kerhon jäsenyyttä.